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Music morning gathering <chorus department>
Category:Daily events
I sang in front of the whole school child
State of the exercise of the taking a lunch break rest
A chorus department is held in Lee den Rose small hall on Sunday, June 30
"The concert of a lecture life and the dream of the 22nd life"
I try an exercise hard at this.

The chorus region that it was the new year, and the new member joined us, and became the large family.
I return it for the break and gather and practice.

At the music morning gathering this morning, to be used to singing in public,
Sing in front of the whole school child in a concert; "said, came", and showed o.

A wonderful singing voice spreads in a gymnasium,
Both a child and the teacher got courage and spirit and were started the comfortable day.

For everybody, the public performance of the chorus department, please further polish it!

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